Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Well my due date has come and gone... and now we just wait...

At least if nothing happens by Sunday, I can get induced. I will be 41 weeks. Not too shabby.

Monday, December 14, 2009

What a weekend!!

From this morning: So I'm home, still pregnant. The induction failed and my bp stabilized. J is doing GREAT - his heart rate never stressed during the induction, so I got sent home and I am on bedrest. I got Pitocin and was contracting every 2 minutes, but they were not painful at all. Since my doctor is VERY anti c-section, he said he didn't want to give me any more Pitocin and here we are. I would really prefer not to have a c-section, either. I might still get one in the end (you never know), but my body just isn't ready yet. J is at least 8 lbs, though. So he'll be fine, regardless. I have to get Mike to was the 0-3 size clothes tonight, all I washed were the newborn sizes. If he's going to be a big boy, newborn clothes might not cut it!

To be honest, I really want to have this baby, but I only got 3 hours of sleep Saturday night. It really sucked. I was happy to get a good night's sleep in my own bed last night! And the food was SO awful (I was able to get a dinner b/c I was only getting Cervidil Sat night). How do you ruin mashed potatoes? UGH! And they gave me cooked carrots, *barf* - my least favorite was to eat carrots. At least we were able to watch the Devils game in the room. And the chair Mike got pulled out into a nice little bed, so he was comfortable. I hated having to ring a nurse every 45 minutes to go pee, too (since I was hooked up to monitors and stuff). And the iv wasn't a good stick, so my arm was killing me (and I am no pansy when it comes to needles or iv lines!). Thankfully, the staff were all *incredible*, and super nice. That's what matters the most. I'm kind of petrified of actually giving birth. Getting the Cervidil hurt SO bad, and I don't know who would want to go natural after feeling what something little like that was.

From this afternoon: WOW. So J wasn't moving too much last night and this morning, and I mentioned it to the receptionist when I called my OB to make another appointment. She called back later and told me to go to Labor & Delivery for monitoring. J ended up being totally fine, but when she said that, I got scared! As soon as I was hooked back up on the monitors, he started rockin' and rollin'. Figures! Then my OB called in and wanted a growth ultrasound, so that was cool. His guess of an 8 lb baby was spot on - he is an 8 lb baby! He also got an 8/8 on his biophysical profile, and we got a surprise 3d ultrasound of his face!! I'm going to withold those from internet land, though, you can e-mail me if you want to see them. Or ask me on Facebook. He looks exactly like me, I think M was a little upset with that. :(

I am so tired, and so is my poor Mom, and my poor husband. I was REALLY happy Mike got home from the city in time to go down to get the ultrasound, and REALLY happy that my Mom got to see him. Also, I think it's hilarious that the first test J was ever given had an 8/8 result. He got an A+! :P

Friday, December 11, 2009


I had another high BP reading today, so I called my doctor like he told me to. Since I'm coming in tomorrow anyway, he said he'd take it again in the office and we will decide from there if I will be admitted. He said I might get induced tomorrow or Sunday. I'm to take it easy until tomorrow when we leave. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yesterday I had my 37 week appointment and my blood pressure was 150/90. So I have to monitor it at home and come back to the office on Saturday. If it's still high, or I get another high reading, I might get induced this weekend. I have mixed emotions about that, but I don't want to worry too much.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dad's work shower

This was me on Sunday, at 37 weeks. :)

I was just sent this photo! I am so touched Mike's work did this for us. Just wish I could have been there. :)

The O Family
